Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Been awhile...

Okay, blogger is giving me problems, so the pictures will be a little out of order. We have had a crazy last week here! I took both kids to the doctor yesterday for well checks and they are doing great. Kieran weighed in at 12 lbs and 3 oz and was 24 inches long and Aislynn was 49.5 lbs and 43 1/4 inches tall. They both had to get vaccinations. Last night I was about to go to bed when I hear coughing from Aislynn's room and then she started crying. She had thrown up ALL over her bed:( She has never thrown up before, so she was a little freaked out. She was running a teeny fever, so we gave her some Tylenol and a bath. She did throw up again this morning, but her fever has stayed away. I am pretty sure this was a side effect of getting the vaccines, but I am keeping an eye on her. I didn't take her to ballet today just in case. She wanted to play doctor a lot today and she drew lots of pictures:) Here is one of them...I drew the dragonfly and the flower per her request:) I love her people:) Yep, she did wear her jammies all day!! This picture is one I took Friday morning of Kieran. He seemed fine in the morning, but he pretty much slept the whole afternoon. When he woke up, he seemed pale and very out of it. He wasn't really responding to anything and he felt really hot, so I took his temperature, which was 102 degrees. Since the doctor's office was already closed, I took him in to the emergency room. Soon after we got there, he started vomiting:( The doctor took a urine sample (through a catheter-terrible to watch this) and drew blood and that seemed to bother him WAAAY worse, I could barely keep myself composed:( but they came back with no infection. All the doctor could figure out was he must have some mild virus. By the time we left the ER, his fever was pretty much gone. The next day he still seemed sleepy and out of it, so Mimi and Papa came to pick up Aislynn and spend the day with her so that Kieran could rest. He is fine now and he did run a little fever today after his vaccines yesterday, which again, is a common side effect of vaccines. Aislynn and I have been doing lots of little craft projects, here is a pumpkin we made:) We even made our own homemade play dough!
Aside from taking Kieran to the emergency room, Friday was mine and Shaun's 5th wedding anniversary! He sent me flowers:) The note was sweet and I love that he picked these particular one's for me because I am not a fancy person, so these were just so me:) I was really touched that he sent me these:) I love you Browny:)
One day last week, Aislynn wanted to practice trick or treating, so she dressed up and gave me dominoes to put in her treat bag. I snuck a sucker in the bag, so she was happy about that:) Here she is eating it in the little tent Aunt Brynne got her for her birthday!
Here she is practicing trick or treating:)
I also have a bunch of scrapbook projects to share, but this week has been kinda hectic, so I am not sure when I can get them updated! We are going to try to go to the pumpkin patch this weekend because we are going to get some beautiful fall weather! Finally, it has been ridiculously hot the last week:( Hope everyone is doing great!!


SnapScrapRepeat said...

so cute, Pam. These weeks are the trying ones...but we record them in our books and keep chugging onward. Illness, craziness, and loveliness all combined make up one heckva story along the way. At least the little ones remind us to smile!

Douglas A. Perry, Sr. said...

I'm sure glad you got Kieran to the ER. Glad he is doing better now.

I love the pictures.


Phillip Perry said...

I hope the kids are feeling better now! Looks like y'all are having fun with the crafts lately. I love that Aislynn is practicing her trick or treating.

Douglas A. Perry, Sr. said...

PS - Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!

Love ...Dad

Brynne said...

I enjoyed watching A today, she was very good and we played doctor a lot too. Congrats on 5 year's too! Every time I've come over since Shaun sent you flowers, A makes me smell them, hee hee!

Mrs. Weddle said...

so i have to just keep coping you and trying to keep up ... at least thats how i feel. :) i will send you a package shortly, am waiting for a check (kwim) oh and we've actually had a pretty cool fall so far ... wait could that mean we might actually have a winter over here in sunny always hot southern california, i donno seems to early to predict.