On Monday, Aislynn decided we should have a tea party (actually on Sunday night as she was getting tucked in to bed, so I told her we would do it the next day). There was one problem though...she didn't have a "round hat with a flower" as she put it. So we pulled out her beach hat and I dug into my scrapbook stash for some big flowers and ribbon and viola! The perfect tea party hat:) I even surprised her with apple juice in the tea pot for tea:)
Just a pic of K clapping...for the scrapbook:)
He had is 9 month check up yesterday and everything looked good! He had to get one vaccination that they were out of at his 6 month appointment, so he was kinda cranky yesterday and last night. He ran a teeny fever and his nose is now runny, which are both signs of teething too, so maybe that was part of the reason he is a crank too.
I made a couple new pages this week, so here they are:
Any fun weekend plans? Lately our Michaels has had some kids crafts each weekend, and this one they have some both days, so I think we are going to hit that up. Then Sunday we will be watching the Oscars!! Each year Shaun and I predict who the winners will be and I have won (whoever gets the most right wins) for the last 2 years! Hopefully I can get keep my streak going and score some new scrapbook supplies;)
Oh, Pam! You must, must, must bring Aislynn here to The Drake for "tea"! The girls took me there one year for my birthday - with tiny little sandwiches and wonderful selections of teas - AND OF COURSE most wore their stunning hats for tea!! Maybe for her birthday?
Here is to you winning the Oscar run this year; tell S you have taught K to clap each time Mommy gets the award right on Sunday!! lol!
ha, i hope u win. I love her tea hat, she is too funny. The pic of K clapping is sooo cute. O miss yall lots
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