Thursday, February 25, 2010

Green Beans

What is this crap? Blech!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously...the grossest thing ever...
Maybe if I block my mouth, she won't be able to get any in there! Hmmm, time for a new strategy.
I know! I'll just smile and look really cute and hopefully that'll work! plan.
Seriously lady-don't give me anymore. Whoops, left my mouth open just enough for her to get the spoon in, gotta keep it clamped shut and I won't respond to anything that makes me laugh or smile. Hopefully tomorrow is banana day.


SnapScrapRepeat said...

poor sugar! I CAN'T wait to see these put together in a LO! and the pics are perfect color composite - yucky green beans, flushed little cheeks, and that gorgeous blue wall!!

Rileysmom said...

OMG love love love these pictures!

Shel said...


Brynne said...

Ha that is hilarious, he is soooo cute! I don't think I would llike that either, yuck! :)

Phillip Perry said...

LOL. You know that is probably exactly what was going on in his head.