Happy April, a few days late! Is it just me, or is this year flying by? I cannot believe it is April already! Here are the most recent pictures...
This one cracks me up-Aislynn said "Good night" and was using my yoga mat as a blanket:)
This one I love too-I kept trying to get a picture of Aislynn giving Shaun a kiss, but I kept missing and got about 7 pictures like this one-this one was my favorite though-I love these kind of pictures-candids.
We took Aislynn to Eden State Gardens yestersday and got a few pictures, but then the battery in the camera died-Noooooooooooooooooo. We will have to go back soon, there are tons of good photo ops there. Aislynn met a little girl from Chicago-Hannah-they were so cute! Aislynn didn't want to say bye to her and then when I was looking at the few pictures we took, she kept asking to see Hannah:(
I tried some thing different on this picture, not sure if I like it or not...
Could there be a sweeter face? I don't think so!!!!
hi there okay so you want my opinion .. on the leaf in the center photo it looks wierd i would have gotten my ange a little higher and gotten part of A's arm in it, so that it leads you back to her. or just ZOOMED in on the leaf and let A be a giant in the background all blurry (depth of felid here)
the black and white with A in the center in color, looks pretty cool but its hard to see. you need to make the colors "POP" a little more. do you have curves (or something like that on the photoaltering progam your using?) use them to make it pop. hey better yet can you email me that pic un altered and let me play with it alittle, and i can send it back to you?
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