Hello! It's our first day of summer today and we have been lazy lazy bums this morning. It's so nice to know that the only thing we have to do today is go lounge by the pool with one of my friends from high school and her sweet little boy who are vacationing down here! We finally got my car back yesterday...there was a bad engine coil, then something was up with the distributor, and finally, the radiator needed to be replaced.
So...I have been totally slacking on the photo posting, so here is a big chunk of the pictures I have taken over the last couple weeks:
This first group is from the beach a couple weekends ago. We went to our usual spot so we could play in the lake and while Shaun and Aislynn fished, Kieran was content to play in the shallow water and I was content taking pictures of him;)
watching a helicopter:)
giving the shrimp some fresh water;)
she took a break from fishing to come play...really she was torturing K in this picture, but you can't tell;)
Aislynn was digging in the shallow water when this guy came up from a spot she was playing in and totally freaked her out, causing her to exclaim she was never going in the water again (ha!). Shaun got him and Aislynn stuck her tongue out at him and called him a big bully...she showed him;)
Here are just a few random pictures...
K and his "popple"
snuggling with sissy's pillow pet...
good thing she didn't catch that or this picture might not have happened;)
The Easter Bunny had brought the chapter book version of Tangled, so we read a couple chapters each night before bed.
Here are the very few pictures we took at that wedding a couple weekends ago...
Cathy (Mimi) did Aislynn's hair and it looked soooooooo so good!
Here are some pictures from Mother's Day...
My hair is totally doing something weird in this picture...but A surprised me with a little flower and flower pot she had painted and a card, both she made at school. So sweet!
We took a little walk after dinner...
K enjoying his bath...he loves baths and every time it's time to get out, he is not very happy...at all...
Aislynn and Matthew, her carpool buddy from school. I think he will be the only kid from her class going to her school next year, so I am hoping they will be in the same class!
Then last Saturday I took the kids to the beach...we didn't stay too long because some clouds rolled in and I didn't want it to rain on us:) So we came home and swam in the pool, that way if it rained we could just run inside. Aislynn made sure to point out that it never did rain and we had to leave the beach;)
And then yesterday's graduation festivities.
This is Miss Jennifer. She left about a month ago, but surprised all of the kids at graduation:)
and Miss Barbara, the main teacher. I will admit that I became a little mushy during the slideshow of the pictures of the kids throughout the year. I just can't believe Aislynn is going to be a kindergartener next year and that this year went by so fast. It's one of the things people always said when I was pregnant, was how fast they grow up. After awhile I would just roll my eyes in my mind...but it is SO true. It seems like since I have become a mother, life is going by at light speed. So I guess I just need to embrace it and get excited for this next adventure, right? ;) And next weekend Kieran is going to be 2? *sigh*
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and that summer will be starting for you soon as well!